22 maggio 2012

FOTD in corsa #12

Nuova fissa del momento: abbinare lo smalto al trucco occhi o labbra. Seconda nuova fissa del momento: il verde lattementa/acqua. Terza intuibilissima fissa: gli ombretti Inglot. Quindi mi dispiace, ma per un po' qua regnerà la monotonia, soprattutto in fatto di prodotti utilizzati. 

The new thing is: matching the nail polish coulour to eye or lip make-up. Second new thing: light mint/green water colour. Third and easy-to-get new thing: Inglot eyeshadows. Then i'm sorry, but here dwells monotony for a while, mostly concerning products I used. Just in case you didn't noticed, i'll try to post stuff in english as well from now on so that any of you can get all the bullshit i write.

Nail Polish: Essence - Viva La Green | Ring: H&M

Products used:
MUFE HD Foundation
MAC Select Cover-up Concealer
MAC Mineralize Skinfinish Natural
The Body Shop Honey Bronze - 03
MAC Blush - Peaches

MAC Paint Pot - Soft Ochre
NYX Jumbo Pencil - Milk
Inglot e/s 106R - 393 - 372
Illamasqua Pure Pigment - Conquer
MUFE Aqua Eyes - 0L
Essence Mascara - I Love Extreme

MAC Lipstick - Hue

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